Dependent Origination: The Buddhist Law of Conditionality

'Monks, the instructed noble disciple has a knowledge about this that is independent of other: 'When this exists, that comes to be; with the arising of this, that arises'.... When a noble disciple thus understands as they really are the origin and the passing way of the world, he is then called a noble disciple perfected in view, perfected in vision, who has arrived at this true Dhamma, who possesses a trainee's knowledge, a trainee's true knowledge, who has entered the stream of the Dhamma, a noble one with penetrative wisdom, one who stands squarely before the door to the Deathless.'

Digital formats are available on translator's website :  (This website is not a  part of Wat Nyanavesakavan. Distribution and commercial rights are reserved by the Buddhadhamma Foundation and/or the translator.)

Translated from พุทธธรรม ฉบับปรับขยาย
by Robin Moore
CopyrightBuddhadhamma Foundation
First publishingMay 2554
Latest publishing onPublishing no. 1 2537
Dewey no.BQ4190


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