Looking to America To Solve Thailand's Problems

"If something happens in American society, it seems that people in (Thai) society are thrilled to accept it. As we follow along, we should study them in order to know what the current state of American society is like and to know what their trends are for the future... To summarize, our country must develop; we must develop because our society has many problems that must be solved. But at the same time, we should consider if developing to the point of having the same problems as American society is something to wish for at all... How can we do this?...American people have said they are willing to accept that they are living in a time of 'cultural transformation'--some things must be discarded. So if we are to develop our society, is it appropriate to develop for the purpose of accepting the things that they are in the process of throwing away?...Before we can go on, we must come to an understanding about this first."

Translated from มองอเมริกา มาแก้ปัญหาไทย
by Grant A. Olson
CopyrightGrant A. Olson
First publishing 2530
Latest publishing onPublishing no. 1 2530
ISBNNo related data
Dewey no.BQ4570.S6


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